De Blasio Won’t Say When He’ll Repay Taxpayers $320K He Spent On Security For Failed Presidential Campaign


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio won’t tell taxpayers when he will repay the $320,000 he spent for security services during his failed presidential campaign. According to a report by the Department of Investigation (DOI), the debt is due to de Blasio using the New York Police Department as security detail for his campaign. Taxpayers paid the cost. As he prepares to lead a post-mayoral life that could include a run for governor, the mayor is investing money in personal home renovations.

Fox News reported that Mayor de Blasio has earned the reputation of being one of the worst mayors New York City has ever seen. Citizens Against Government Waste President Tom Schatz said that de Blasio was one of many reasons. “Using taxpayers’ money, not repaying money he owes for security during his presidential campaign, and not taking care the city.” NYC taxpayers paid the money to pay for his security detail during his failed 2019 presidential campaign. However, these funds cannot be used for political purposes.

De Blasio employed Executive Protection Unit (EPU), members who act as his bodyguards within the city, to protect him on the campaign trail. According to the City, he asked secretly if taxpayers would cover the cost. NYC’s Conflicts of Interest Board declined the mayor’s request. In October, NYC’s DOI issued a damning report slamming de Blasio for this setup and other alleged exploits.

The report states that “DOI determined the City of New York spent $319,794 for members of Mayor de Blasio’s security detail to travel on Mayor’s presidential campaign trips.” “Mayor de Blasio did not reimburse the City for these expenses either through his campaign or personally.”

The investigations department found that EPU members also drove his campaign staffers around on campaign trips while driving him to events.

The report says that both reflect NYPD’s use of resources for political purposes. DOI also learned that the security detail had been performing frequent security checks on Brooklyn homes owned by the Mayor for about a year. Neither he nor his family is currently there. Federal Election Commission records show that de Blasio did not use his presidential campaign’s funds to pay the bill because of a lack.

Campaign finance records show that De Blasio’s campaign committee entered October with only $4,731 cash and $67,371.90 debts. The campaign spent just $13,481.35 on software and legal and compliance services in the first nine months. Blasio isn’t just responsible for the security detail.

Politico reported that the outgoing mayor owed $300,000.00 to a law company in November for bills arising from a 2017 investigation into whether he or his aides gave special favors to donors.

De Blasio stated last month that he does not plan to pay off the debt out of his own pocket. He plans to use contributions to pay it off.

When de Blasio was asked why he hadn’t contributed any money to the bill, he replied that “I hope you are enough familiar with me by now.” “I’m different from my predecessor. Therefore, I would need to raise the funds. But I will. I will. I will repay it.

De Blasio’s initial reliance upon contributors ran into a snag when he was told by the ICOB that he couldn’t accept gifts worth more than $50. According to the ICOB’s website, in 2019, the city council passed legislation that allowed lawmakers to establish legal defense funds that can accept donations up to $5,000. It seems that de Blasio did not create such a fund.

De Blasio continues to incur debts and is now spending money on home renovations. This puts him further in debt. After reviewing records from the Department of Buildings, the New York Post reported that the fixer-up project was initiated in October and has been subject to multiple complaints.

The Post reported in June that De Blasio and his spouse had secured a $615.342 loan for the house. The Post discovered that they had borrowed $625,000 previously to finance the home, which is worth $1.5 million.

According to the Post, De Blasio has $2.5 million in debts. According to the Post, he receives a nearly $260,000 per year salary as mayor, and he received rental income between $5,000 and $49,000 from each of his three tenants in 2020 according to his financial disclosure forms.

Crain reports that de Blasio may be considering running for governor to pay off the debts he accumulated during his eight years as New York City mayor.