Bill Hemmer Calls Out COVID-19 Tests Branded Made in China


Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer said recently that he received his COVID-19 results via mail as a result of President Biden’s recent initiative. He did however note that the at-home kits were manufactured in China.
Hemmer was the co-host on America’s Newsroom. He praised the federal government and the United States Postal Service because they quickly sent him the tests.

Hemmer raised the orange box and stated that he had received it “just yesterday.” Hemmer held up the orange kit and said “I got mine yesterday.”

The White House has launched a new collaboration with the U.S., which includes free at-home testing. In an effort to combat the current omicron surge, the Postal Service will send 500 million free kits of coronavirus testing to Americans in the next few weeks.

Hemmer received the 15-minute rapid blood antigen test at home from iHealth Labs Inc. The test is however “Made In China.” ”

iHealth belongs to the Chinese company Andon Health Co. Ltd. reports that it was awarded a $1.275 billion contract for COVID-19 rapid test with the U.S. government on January 13.

Tuesday’s Biden administration statement stated that not all 500,000,000 of these tests were manufactured in China. There isn’t enough American-made testing available to meet the demand. They sought kits from other parts of the world.

This allows Americans to have as many options as possible for at-home testing. It also means that we won’t interfere in any other channels where people can access at-home tests.

Under an emergency use authorization, the FDA granted permission for the iHealth home test.

This isn’t the first time that coronavirus products from China have raised eyebrows.

The U.S. Congress’ Office of the Attending Physician provided KN95 masks for congressional offices that were “Made in China”.

Fox News has photos showing KN95 masks given to Congressmen. The package includes a sheet and a stamp with a star on it.

More than 120 people wrote a letter last week to the House Republicans, expressing their disbelief that taxpayer money was being used for face-covers made in China when there are better alternatives.Â