Rep. Jackson Says Biden Needs To Resign, Not Cognitively Capable Of Leading


Ronny Jackson (Republican from Texas), who was White House physician under the Obama and Trump administrations is asking for President Joe Biden’s resignation. He says he is “not cognitively able to lead.”

“Biden doesn’t know what’s happening in Ukraine. Jackson tweeted Friday, “He doesn’t know anything about Ukraine.” Jackson tweeted Friday, “He is not cognitively capable to lead. Before our country is further affected, he must RESIGN.

Jackson has demanded that Biden undergo a cognitive evaluation since last year. Breitbart News reported that Jackson wrote a letter demanding Biden take a cognitive test to determine if he might have Alzheimer’s Disease. The letter was signed 37 times by his fellow Republican legislators.

Jackson appeared on Fox Business Network’s Varney & Company the next day and reiterated his belief that Biden was mentally unfit for President.

I was there during the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations. As the White House physician, I worked there for 14 years. I have seen the mental and physical requirements of that job and it is obvious for everyone in the country and the world that President Biden doesn’t have the cognitive ability right now. He has only gotten worse.

Jackson continued by pointing out Jackson’s previous requests for an assessment. He also noted that President Trump was subject to cognitive testing after being criticized by the leftwing media.

In June last year, I wrote a letter asking that he take a cognitive test as part of his annual physical examination. This was before he had undergone his physical exam. His physical exam was completed recently. There was no mention of cognitive testing. This was done with President Trump. We set the standard. This was done because of the outcry of mainstream media and the liberal media. We also did it because the far left demanded that the president take a cognitive test as part his evaluation. This is the precedent. The precedent has been set. President Biden must step up, have this test completed, and then provide the results to the American people.

Jackson spoke to Fox News Digital on February 23, the day before Russia invaded Ukraine. Jackson stated that Biden’s mental health was “on full display” during the Afghan debacle and warned that Biden would “get more Americans killed” and eventually “take us to war due to his lack of leadership.”

Jackson’s request for Biden’s resignation follows a Politico/Morning Consult survey that revealed less than 25% of Americans believe Biden is mentally fit, healthy and stable. Breitbart News reported Tuesday. The margin of error for the Politico poll was +/- 2 percentage points. It surveyed registered voters in 2005 between March 4 and 6.