VP Harris New Comms Director Said George W. Bush Stole Election From Gore


Vice President Kamala Harris’s new communications director recently wrote repeatedly that Al Gore was his ex-boss and that George W. Bush is an “illegitimate president”. Jamal Simmons is a long-time Democratic operative, political analyst and was announced last week to replace Ashley Etienne. Ashley Etienne left the vice president’s office last month with the rest of his staff.

Simmons repeatedly tweeted about Bush’s 2000 victory over Gore between 2012 and 2021. Simmons was also the Gore-Lieberman campaign’s deputy communications director. He is often called Bush’s “illegitimate” first term.

Simmons tweeted: “@jpodhoretz My name is Simmons and I worked at Gore 2000. I believe W’s first term to be illegitimate. ” “Yet, when I was in the room with him, I stood up and showed ofc respect. ” Simmons responded to a tweet account in 2017 saying “I said losing tickets. ” Gore Lieberman didn’t lose. ”

These tweets were revealed as national Democrats label Republicans the only ones responsible for perpetuating the “Big Lie”, a term that Democrats and the media have used to describe former President Trump’s claim that President Biden stole his election in 2020.

Simmons tweeted his thoughts on the 2000 election a few weeks before President Biden was sworn into office. He said that W “stole the 2000 [election]” but also stated that he “still stood when Bush entered a room. ”

Simmons was employed by then-Sen. Bob Graham in his failed presidential campaign. He made reference to the Florida recount and said, “[Graham] understands firsthand what voting irregularities, disenfranchisement, and the electoral process can mean. ”

Simmons was not the only Democrat to claim that Gore stole the election. Terry McAuliffe (former Chairman of Democratic National Committee), who lost his gubernatorial election last November, repeatedly questioned 2000’s election results. “Our base voters are insane and feel robbed. McAuliffe stated in 2001 that they had worked hard for the presidential election, only to lose it.

McAuliffe stated that Democrats won the 2000 campaign, but didn’t win the prize in a 2001 interview with Black Entertainment Television.

Other notable Democrats who claim an election was stolen or won include Hillary Clinton, a two-time unsuccessful presidential candidate, and Stacey Abrams.

Simmons was fired last week after he announced his hiring. He received mockery and backlash on Twitter following Fox News Digital’s reporting about some of his tweets. One of those posts asked why ICE wasn’t picking up illegal immigrants speaking to MSNBC.

He was pressured by Twitter’s progressive and immigration activists to release a statement, which drew more criticism from activists who doubted his sincerity.

Simmons tweeted Friday that he was a pundit and had “tweeted+spoke A lot. ” Sometimes I have been sarcastic or unclear at times. I apologize for offending people who care as deeply as I do about making America a multiethnic, diverse democracy.