Democrats, Media, Hollywood, & Never Trump Freak Out After Joe Manchin Says No To Build Back Better


Democrats, media pundits, and Hollywood stars threw tantrums on social media on Sunday after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) told Fox News Sunday that he would not vote for President Joe Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar “Build Back Better” bill.

Rolling Stone published an article entitled “Joe Manchin Just Tore out the Heart of Biden’s Agenda.” It explained that “Build Back Better” was the core of Biden’s domestic plans. However, it is unlikely that the Senate will pass it.

Never Trump pundits Jennifer Rubin (Washington Post) and David Brooks (New York Times) were among the disgruntled. Rubin lamented Manchin’s opposition to Democrats’ efforts at overhauling election through passing “voting rights legislation” that will establish California-style practices such as “ballot harvesting.”

Manchin also balked at the bill’s almost $2 trillion price tag. Given that Congress is unlikely to cancel the new social welfare program, the true cost of the bill is much higher. Manchin said that his party tried to use its thin majority in Congress to enact radical transformations without a mandate: “My Democratic counterparts in Washington are determined radically reshape my society in a manner that leaves our nation even more vulnerable to threats.”