Rep. Omar Hangs Up On Rep. Boebert After Tense Phone Call


Rep. Ilhan Omar and Lauren Boebert had a heated conversation recently, which revolved around Boebert’s recent controversial comments regarding the Minnesota Dem. After both congresswomen asked for a public apology, Omar ended their phone call.

Boebert said that Omar called her to discuss her thoughts on past remarks. She also stated that she is a strong Christian woman who is committed to her faith. She stated that she does not want anyone to be offended about anything she says.

Omar issued a statement stating that Lauren Boebert called her to apologize for falsely saying she met her in an elevator. She also claimed that she was a terrorist with a history involving anti-Muslim hate.

Omar stated that Rep. Boebert refused to acknowledge her hurtful and dangerous comments. Omar stated that Boebert had redoubled her rhetoric instead of apologizing. She stated that she had decided to end the unproductive conversation.

Omar claimed that Boebert had made an anti-Muslim claim about her in a telephone conversation with supporters.

Boebert was caught telling supporters that Omar got into an argument with her in an elevator at Capitol Building. She said she saw a Capitol officer running towards her and trying to stop the elevator from closing.

Boebert stated that she looked to her right, and there was Ilhan Omar. Boebert stated that she didn’t have a backpack and looked to her right. Ilhan Omar was there.” She adds, “Don’t worry. Her Twitter staffers are speaking for her.” Boebert later apologized to the Muslim community.

Boebert said that she had to apologize for her comments about Rep. Omar. She stated that there are many policy differences we can focus our attention on.