Soros Family Quietly Backrolls Committees Supporting Defund The Police Candidates


George Soros (a liberal billionaire) and Andrea Soros Colombel (his daughter) are funding two entities that support far-left politicians

Soros money was used to fund a joint fundraising committee. Lead the Way2022 is a joint fundraising initiative. It includes the Way to LeadPAC of Missouri Rep. Cori Bus and the campaigns for the progressive politicians trying to enter Congress.

George Soros supports reforming the criminal justice system. He made large donations to reforming the police force. He also supported a center for progressive activists who want to abolish the police.

Andrea Soros Colombel has, however, kept a lower profile that her father. She supports the current joint fundraising group, which benefits Bush and other far-left politicians in the 2022 elections.

Federal Election Commission records show that Andrea Soros Colombel paid $100,000 to Lead the Way 2022.

George Soros contributed cash to Way to Lead PAC. The financier transferred $100,000 to Way to Lead’s noncontribution account.

Andrea, George Soros and Way to Lead 2022 were key backers of the 2022 election campaign and Lead the Way 2022 during the 2022 elections.

These entities support Bush, progressive hopefuls and their efforts to increase the ranks of Congress’ “Squads”.

The funds were also distributed to other participants in the collaborative funding initiative Many people support defunding police.

Rana Abdelhamid is running for New York’s 12th Congress District. Lead the Way 2022 awarded Abdelhamid $28,000. In now deleted Instagram posts, Abdelhamid described defunding law enforcement as a feminist priority.

Collins also contributed $28,000 to Lead the Way 2022.

Odessa Kelly attempted to win a seat at the House for Tennessee 7th District. Leave the Way 2222 gave her almost $41,000. Kelly supported defunding police officers in an interview with Our Data Bodies.

Ayala will be running to represent the House seat for Florida’s 10th congressional District. Ayala received almost $29,000 from the Way to Lead 2022 collaborative fundraising committee in late 2013. Ayala has resigned from that collaborative.